Postcard from Leicester, England 

I could talk you all to death about these exotic and interesting and fun places that I’ve visited but sometimes you’ve just got to take a moment to appreciate where you live.

Leicester has such a bad reputation. It just sounds like a grubby Midlands town with rundown factories and dodgy council estates. And sure, it has those parts, every city does, but Leicester also has quaint cobbled streets, beautiful parks, artisan bakeries, restaurants from every country in the world, culture, a dead King and a theatre with some of the best musical productions in the country.

I’d love it whatever it was like because it’s where I went to University and it’s where my mum grew up. But the more I get to know it, the more I start to feel like a local (a Leicestovian? Leicesterian?), the more I find myself harping on about its charms. Because people need to know. Because all this pressure, all this propaganda that says if you’re not living in London you’re not successful is wrong. You don’t always have to be in London to find the best of things.

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